FY-4B Satellite


FY-4 is the second generation of China's geostationary meteorological satellite series. FY-4B, the second of its series, was launched on June 3rd, 2021, aiming to serve as a operational satellite. FY-4B has adjusted payloads and tuend-up performance on the basis of FY-4A scientific experiment satellite, which has been launched on December 11th, 2016 and working in orbit for more than 4 years.


FY-4B is based on the SAST5000 platform with three-axis stabilization and 1553B and Spacewire dual-buses system. It has a designed life of 7 years and launch weight of 5400kg, The main payloads onboard FY-4B are Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager, Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder, Geostationary High-speed Imager and Space Environment Package.

Picture Acronym Full name
AGRI AGRI  Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager
GIIRS GIIRS  Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder
GHI GHI  Geostationary High-speed Imager
SEP SEP  Space Environment Monitoring Instrument Package


Instrument Datasets
AGRI L1 dataL2L3 productImage
GIIRS L1 dataL2L3 product
GHI L1 dataL2L3 product


FY-4B satellite

FY-4B satellite

FY-4B instruments

FY-4B instruments

Operational Parameters

Related Links

FY-4B Website