FY-3D Satellite


  • 4th flight unit of the FY-3 series.
  • Main mission: operational meteorology.
  • Substantial contribution to ocean and ice monitoring, climate monitoring.
  • Significant contribution to atmospheric chemistry and space weather.
Orbit Sunsynchronous orbit
Altitude 836 km
ECT 14:00 asc
Dry mass 2300 kg
Power 2500 W
Launch 2017-11-15
End of service ≥2022


Picture Acronym Full name
MERSI-II MERSI-II  Medium Resolution Spectral Imager-II
HIRAS-I HIRAS-I  Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder-I
MWTS-II MWTS-II  Micro-Wave Temperature Sounder-II
MWHS-II MWHS-II  Micro-Wave Humidity Sounder-II
MWRI-I MWRI-I  Micro-Wave Radiation Imager-I
GNOS-I GNOS-I  GNSS Radio Occultation Sounder-I
GAS GAS  Greenhouse-gases Absorption Spectrometer
WAI WAI  Wide-field Auroral Imager
IPM IPM  Ionospheric PhotoMeter
SEM  Space Environment Monitor

Data Circulation

DPT (Delayed Picture Transmission) to acquire the on-board stored global data.

MPT (Medium-resolution Picture Transmission), for X-band real-time broadcasting of information of MERSI data.

HRPT (High Resolution Picture Transmission) for real-time broadcasting of full information of instruments aboard but MERSI.


Instrument Datasets
MERSI-II L1 dataL2L3 product
HIRAS-I L1 data
MWTS-II L1 dataL2L3 product
MWHS-II L1 dataL2L3 product
MWRI-I L1 dataL2L3 product
GNOS-I L1 dataL2L3 product
GAS L1 data
WAI L1 data
IPM L1 data
SEM L1 dataL2L3 product
TSHS L2L3 product





Instruments of FY-3D


Part of the first image by FY-3D


First visual image by FY-3D

Operational Parameters